Why Proworking Is the Future

Companies are bringing employees back to the office, but the professional landscape has permanently changed. Employees have experienced the convenience of virtual meetings and hybrid work – and they don’t want to give it up.

But working from home still has its downsides: noise, clutter, distraction, a lack of privacy, a lack of bandwidth. The list goes on. And the longer employees are asked to work in subpar conditions, the less engaged they’ll be.

Fortunately, proworking can help. Here’s how.

1. Proworking Provides a Private and Secure Environment

Your home office can quickly turn into your children’s pillow fight arena or a guest room for your parents. In other words, your office space isn’t all that private. This can make it difficult to focus, finish work, or practice proper Zoom etiquette.

Working from home, or a nearby cafe, also means you lose the safety features that come with a well-equipped office, like air filtration systems and digital security infrastructure.

These two elements are particularly relevant as COVID-19 variants and cybersecurity breaches surge. In fact, businesses dealt with a 50 percent rise in attempted cyberattacks in 2021.

Proworking gives you the opportunity to prioritize your needs, whether they include powering through a deep work session or collaborating in a conference room on a tricky creative brief.

2. Proworking Offers Powerful Technology and Access to Professional Services

While many professionals have expanded their work-from-home setups over the past couple of years, these arrangements still frequently pale in comparison to what an office provides.

Proworking delivers a range of conveniences, from conference rooms with meeting management systems to on-site IT services. These amenities ensure you don’t need to troubleshoot issues on your own, as you may have to at home or in a less tech-friendly environment.

In addition to IT support, every Firmspace location includes a professional services hub. These service centers offer access to a notary public, front-desk support, scanning and printing, and mail and shipping services.

Coming to the office should mean focusing on the work that matters most. Whether you book a day office or sign on for something longer, a professional services hub can support your workflow and help handle any needs that arise.

3. Proworking Fits Your Business’s Fluctuating Needs

Unlike a traditional fixed-term lease, a proworking membership can adapt to fit your needs as they change.

Let's say you’re a small business leader and chose not to renew your office lease this past year. Working remotely has been smooth sailing, but some employees recently expressed they’d like to work in a professional environment, at least a couple of days a week. You don’t want to pay for an entire office you don’t need, but you want to support your team.

Enter proworking. With a proworking arrangement, you can book a number of individual office spaces each month that employees can use.

Realize you need more room for an end-of-year recap presentation in December? Book additional space for it. Have an important meeting with a potential client? Reserve a conference room for the right day at the right time.

Proworking offers a flexible and high-end experience without the high price tag of leasing your own larger space.

Proworking Is the Flexible Solution that Hybrid Work Requires

Just nine percent of office workers want to be fully on-site, and 40 percent of employees would consider quitting if forced to return to the office five days a week. In response, the number one benefit employers now offer is hybrid work.

People want – and expect – flexibility. But for hybrid work to be sustainable, professionals need a private place to work outside of their homes. Proworking meets this need, offering dedicated office spaces to small business owners, solopreneurs, and professionals who need privacy.

If you need a place to focus so you can consistently do your best work, book a tour and see if Firmspace is right for you.

Darby Gerga